Skip Beat! Wiki
R'Mandy Logo

R'Mandy is an overseas clothing line[1][2] One of it's most noticeable models is Ren Tsuruga. This clothing line has been mentioned a few times through the manga series. This clothing line is also mentioned through the visual game adaption which even features Kyoko modelling against Ren.


R'Mandy seems to be one of the most popular clothing line in Japan. Kanae first mentioned it by seeing the doll Kyoko was making with the outfit Ren was wearing from R'Mandy. Kanae described the outfit as a kind of outfit that would not suit an average Japanese man without an extraordinary level of style and fashion sense.[3]




  1. Skip Beat! Fanbook ~Love Me!~
  2. Skip Beat! Manga Series:Volume 3, Chapter 16, Page 15
  3. Skip Beat! Manga Series:Volume 3, Chapter 16, Page 16