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Lory Takarada
Lory Takarada
Manga | Anime | Game | Live-action

Lory Takarada in the manga

Kanji ローリィ 宝田
Rōmaji Rōri Takarada
Live-action Name Luo Li (羅利)
Personal Information
Gender Male
Age Presumably in his 50's
Status Alive
Relatives Kouki Takarada (Son)
Lina Takarada (Daughter-in-Law)
Maria Takarada (Grandaughter)
Occupation LME President
Manga ACT.003
Anime The Emotion She Lacks
Game PS2 Game
Live-action Episode 2
Drama CD Voice Actor Ginga Banjo
Seiyū Ishii Kouji (Japanese)
Julien Dutel (French)
English Voice Actor Richard Epcar
Live Action Actor Allen Chao

 Lory Takarada (ローリィ宝田 (ローリィ たからだ) Rōri Takarada) is the president of the LME Agency.[1] He often is seen in extravagant and exaggerated costume displays, and tends to go overboard in everything he does. He always makes a 'grand entrance' in every sense of the word.[2] He is the father of Kouki Takarada and is the grandfather of Maria.

He took the opportunity to create the Love Me Section when Kyoko auditioned for LME. He is the only one to know Ren's true identity as Kuon Hizuri in Japan. Lory is also referred to as a 'Lovemon' by his employees at LME.[3]


He is a big fan of love, it was even mentioned by some of the employees of LME that if he could, he would embrace the world with his 'love'. For example, his 'body clock' thinks that it is already Spring even though it is still February because Valentine's Day is held on this month. He also prides himself as the "mentor of love".

Lory enjoys playing dating simulation games and even stays up all night playing them. Rather than that, Lory also has a pet anaconda named Natsuko whom he enjoys playing with, even at his bath.

Despite his comedic expressions of love, he is very perspective and is able to see through people or predict their actions. He has a very good eye in finding people with potential and doesn't hesitate to take actions to help those he care about.


Lory has dark brown hair with brown eyes in the manga. However, in the anime and in the visual novel game, he has black hair with grey eyes. Lory is notable for always wearing extravagant clothes with other props to make his flamboyant entrance that always surprises everyone.[4]


Lory is the LME's founder and current president, the company is named after him, "Lory's Majestic Entertainment". He only has one child, Kouki Takarada. He currently lives in his villa with his grandchild, Maria Takarada because Kouki is always in America for his business work. Lory is also a close friend of Eltra Duris and has an assistant assisting him in his work.


See Story Arcs for more detailed info throughout the manga.

Lory is mentioned to have a great eye for talents, as he witnessed the hidden talent of Kyoko in the audition while others degraded her. Lory created the Love Me Section when Kyoko Mogami failed in her auditions for LME. He saw her potential but also her void of love, which is very important to have as an artist. Soon, Kanae Kotonami joined in as well as has a great ability as an actress, but also lacks something with love. She originally was completely against joining the Love Me Section but later accepted it.

Lory gives them a mission

Lory giving them a mission...

The latest member is the volunteer Chiori Amamiya. She joined in because she wanted to regain her 'love of acting.' Lory sometimes personally gives jobs to restore their love step by step. Kyoko seems to be opening up little by little, though she tries to forge her defenses up every time it loosens.

Lory also gave the Love Me Girls a "Something..." mission.[5] He gave Kyoko "Something Dangerous", Kanae a "Something Messy" and Chiori a "Something Fun". It turned out that he gave Kyoko a mission, to take care of a 'dangerous' person, who turned out to be Ren acting as Cain Heel.

Kanae's "Something Messy" mission turned out as a role of a orphan daughter who falls in-love with a samurai who saves her in a historical drama[6] whilst Chiori's "Something Fun" mission is being a regular on a variety show called This Show Will Really Make You Feel Good.[7] Meanwhile, Kyoko's "Something Dangerous" mission is picking up Cain Heel from the airport, which later turned out to act as Cain's little sister, Setsuka Heel.


Image Name What they call Lory What Lory calls them
KM - Thumb Kyoko Mogami President Mogami-kun
RT - Thumb Ren Tsuruga President



SF - Thumb Sho Fuwa



Image Name What they call Lory What Lory calls them
YY - Thumb Yashiro Yukihito President Yashiro-san
MT - Thumb Maria Takarada Grandfather Maria-chan

Image Name What they call Lory What Lory calls them
KK - Thumb Kanae Kotonami President Kotonami-kun
HI - Thumb Hikaru Ishibashi President ???
SI - Thumb Shinichi Ishibashi President ???
YI - Thumb Yuusei Ishibashi President ???

Image Name What they call Lory What Lory calls them
Amamiyathumb Chiori Amamiya President Amamiya-kun


  • (thinking about Ren revealing "Cain Heel" to Kyoko) You must've scared her so much you couldn't ignore her. Well, I can understand. He's a man in love.[8]
  • (talking to Ren Tsuruga) You really want me to be scheming something, huh? Since you're so eager for it, I feel I gotta do something. What shall I do? There are so many things I want to do.[9]
  • (talking to Kyoko Mogami) In the first place, love is sweet and beautiful because you overcome hardships, make it your own and then nurture it to make it bloom.[10]
  • (talking to Kyoko about her feelings for Ren) I truly believe you're laying your hands on the curtain of a great love drama. But no matter how good it is, it's nothing until the curtain rises.[11]
  • (thinking how Kyoko managed to deceived him) She fell for him right after Katsuki's acting test in Dark Moon?! That was awhile ago. I assumed being the Heel siblings had worked as a drastic remedy. Yet I couldn't see into her heart until that very moment. That's what I thought, and my pride was a little hurt. However, my pride is seriously wounded now! I thought something was wrong when Ms. Mogami called me saying Ren was acting strange. And I was right! But I was completely deceived by her acting![12]
  • (thinking on his plans for Ren and Kyoko) Even I was totally duped. Ren would never notice her feelings since he wouldn't understand the subtleties of a maiden in love. I find this promising. I don't want Ren to realize her feelings for him yet. Nothing is more miserable than a doggy that can't eat even when the meal is meant for him. Don't look away. Since you're aiming to become a first-class actress. I want to polish her into a world-class actress.[13]


  • Lory's surname Takarada means "treasure, jewel" (宝) (takara) and "field, rice paddy" (田) (ta/da).


  1. Skip Beat! Manga Series: Volume 1, Chapter 3, Page 33-34
  2. Skip Beat! Manga Series: Volume 17, Chapter 101, Page 18
  3. Skip Beat! Manga Series: Volume 37, Chapter 224, Page 22
  4. Skip Beat! Manga Series:Volume 1, Chapter 3, Page 30-31
  5. Skip Beat! Manga Series: Volume 26, Chapter 152, Page 27
  6. Skip Beat! Manga Series: Volume 26, Chapter 152, Page 6
  7. Skip Beat! Manga Series: Volume 26, Chapter 152, Page 2
  8. Skip Beat! Manga Series VizMedia (3-in-1 Edition): Volume 26, Chapter 153, Page 265
  9. Skip Beat! Manga Series VizMedia (3-in-1 Edition): Volume 39, Chapter 174, Page 298
  10. Skip Beat! Manga Series VizMedia: Volume 34, Chapter 202, Page 47
  11. Skip Beat! Manga Series VizMedia: Volume 34, Chapter 202, Page 61
  12. Skip Beat! Manga Series: Volume 34, Chapter 203, Pages 87-89
  13. Skip Beat! Manga Series VizMedia: Volume 34, Chapter 203, Pages 89-90

